About Alexey

Last updated April 2023.*

These days, I’m living in Tokyo and helping start-ups scale up their Growth Engineering practice.

Growth Engineering Leader

I spent the last 7 years running Growth Engineering teams, most recently as Head of Growth Engineering at MasterClass, and a Growth EM at Opendoor. I spent the years as a contract developer, helping clients such as Dropbox, Pebble, Boomerang, and Binti prototype and build out new lines of business.


In 2014, I co-founded a boutique work+travel company, Hacker Paradise. The “forever workation” retreat company has been going strong for almost 10 years now.


I’ve long been forward to saying something like “I’ve been coding for over 20 years.” Well, I have. I got into programming when I was 15, starting out by recreasing GameBoy games in Visual Basic. I’ve worked as an engineer at Meta and Dropbox, but my proudest technical accomplishments are probably the initial scheduling feature on Boomerang and authoring the Houston Admin, a (once-popular) zero-config admin for Meteor.


From 2009-2012 I focused on making Penn’s CS department more start-up friendly; to that end, I started the PennApps hackathon, (the first major student-run hackathon in the US), and Penn Labs, a student-run, school-funded development group that focuses on improving student-run technology. I received the C N. Weygandt Award for my contributions to the school.

In 2014, I was one of the organizers of HackCon, a two-day conference for hackathon organizers, and remain an advisor to Major League Hacking.


AlexeyMK.com has had over 600k page views since October 2010; several pieces, whether on hackathons, the internship process, or (strangely enough) Richard Stallman gain some popularity.

I have also been featured on TechCrunch and spent a semester as a columnist for the Daily Pennsylvanian.

Get in touch: Feel free to contact me. I’m also on the twitter these days.