I showed up at stumbled upon was tricked into an Iron Blogger SF meetup on Saturday, and was not allowed to have any of the beer until I found out what the meetup was about and convinced to partake.
Iron Blogger is simple.
Write a blog post once a week. If (and when) you don't: you owe $5. When there's enough money in the digital pot to afford a sufficient quantity of beer, a meetup is convened.
Once a week is tough. My most interesting and well-read blog posts have typically consisted of lengthy write-ups or niche guides for hackathon organizers or Bay Area tech interns. It's not really blogging, per se - the writing model I aspire to most is Joel Spolsky, a sort of Joel without the wisdom, experience, or wit.
So this is very different, and I can't say I'm particularly comfortable with it. These coming posts won't all be what I consider ready-to-ship, or particularly well-researched or thorough. I don't expect them to be nearly as well-read. Hopefully, they'll force me into improving my writing.
It's that or $5 a week.
Tags: #reflections #writing